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Personal Updates

  • (2023 May) I gave a talk about Quadra at PyCon Italy 2023. You can find the slides here.
  • (2021 June) I have joined to Orobix as a Data Scientist. I am working on computer vision related problems and developing deep learning solutions for industrial applications.

Academic Background

I obtained a Master's degree in computer science engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Polimi). I completed my undergraduate degree in electronics and communication engineering at Istanbul Technical University (ITU).

During my graduate studies, I have worked on the adversarial robustness of Deep Neural Networks. I have visualized perturbation based adversarial attacks and their effects on neural networks. I have studied specialized training methods for creating robust models. My thesis project was supervised by Marco Ciccone and Prof. Matteo Matteucci.

I completed my bachelor's degree with a project for extracting attributes from facial images using convolutional neural networks. I developed edge deep learning applications running on edge devices. The project was supervised by Prof. Hazim Kemal Ekenel.